Friday, September 9, 2011

One month

As of today, I've been in Philippi, West Virginia for one month. I immediately liked it here. There are so many beautiful trees, hills, and green grass - something I really appreciated after our dry Kansas summer! Our first week here was orientation. We spent several days just getting to know each other, going over house logistics, and touring everyone's work places.

 Our unit, from the back row left: Micah, Ian (5), leader Mike, Ben. Front row: Ella (3), Me, Allison, Renee,  leader Heidi

At the end of the week we went for a three day backpacking trip led by one of the former Philippi Service Adventure leaders. I'm not real big on camping and hiking, but I had a lot of fun roughing it with my housemates and one of our leaders, Mike. We hiked along a creek about 2 hours from our house called Otter Creek. At the end of our hike Ben, our hiking leader Jair, and I all got to jump off some big rocks into the creek which was a highlight for me!

Once orientation week was over, we all started our jobs. I am working at the Myers Clinic. It's a small clinic that serves people in the area, many of whom don't have insurance. I started in the walk in center working with three other nurses and two Physician's Assistants. I really enjoyed getting to know the nurses there. They're really fun to be around and were very nice about teaching me everything I needed to know, and not making too much fun of me when I almost passed out watching one of the PA's drain fluid from a boy's knee! (I got over that, I can handle watching those type of procedures now.) Last week I changed positions and now work in another part of the clinic with the actual doctors who take scheduled appointments. At the walk in center and my new location I have been taking patients' vitals, faxing, updating patient records on the computer, and doing anything else the nurses need done. I'm enjoying getting to know the many regular patients and seeing all the little kids that come in!

This month has gone fast and I'm very grateful that God has blessed me with great people and a wonderful location! I definitely feel that He has led me here and I look forward to his plans for the future!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have acclimated to your new surroundings and job! You are quite the daredevil jumping off that rock! Go, Abby!
    lol, Carol
